Unboxing Xiaomi Mi4i

5/16/2015 09:00:00 pm

Current weather : Cloudy
Current mood : Neutral
Quote-of-the-post: “Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.” ― Guillaume Apollinaire

This is an overdue post since I ordered my Mi4i on Tuesday, 12th of May and received it on the 14th of May. I didn't expect it to arrive so early but hey, you won't hear me complaining. I kinda got a little lazy so I didn't edit these photos (except for the first one where I had to block out my address).

I'm really happy it's 5inches cause my previous phone, Samsung Note 2, was too big for me haha. Also, it's wayyyy lighter as compared to Note 2. Sometimes, I feel like it's going to slip from my hands. So far it's pretty good, and since I don't really download a lot of apps and whatsoever, 16GB is ok for me. But for those who aren't like me, I'm certain 16GB isn't sufficient, so some might have to take this into consideration when purchasing. SG's Mi might bring in the 32GB/64GB ones next time, but it is not confirmed as of now.

Mi SG is going to have another Mi4i sale this coming Tuesday, 19 May, so if you're interested, check out their website or Facebook for more information.

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