To the moon and back

9/23/2015 11:08:00 am

Happy early Mid-Autumn Festival! (YAY FOR MOON CAKES)

My aunt got us some moon cakes, hehe, thank you! :)

Oh and, happy belated birthday to myself.

It was a quiet and intimate one. I had lessons (that's a first, since my birthday always fall on the September holidays) and no one, except my previous schoolmates, knew it was my birthday. A big shout out to those who wished me! I'm always amazed when people who I've lost contact with, wishes me. Because one, I'm terrible at remembering birth dates (but thank god for Facebook birthdays) so I don't really expect others to remember mine either and two, they actually bother to spend several seconds of their time to wish me. So yeah, thank you to these wonderful people.

(P.S. I know it's been too long since my last blog post.)

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